I'm feeling the stress of the hustle and bustle and it's rolling into my nutrition. NOT GOOD. Today's a new day, but here's what went down yesterday.
Breakfast: 1/4 cup macadamia nuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, 1 Americano w/ splash o cream
Lunch: Grilled Chicken, 1 avocado, salsa
Dinner: Paleo Phad Thai
Now if I had stopped there, things would have been good.
Dessert: 1/2 cup nuts, 25 chocolate chips, 6 swedish fish, 2 glasses red wine
WOD: Moore 20 Minute AMRAP 1 12ft rope climb, 400M Run, Max HSPU's
HSPU's 4/3/3/3/3/3
HSPU's were on a blue band with red backpack. Worked on the full range of motion with the handstand push up. After the WOD, I used the red band with red backpack and I was able to get two at a time.
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