Sunday, January 15, 2012

Paleo on a Budget - Eggplant Italian Sausage Spaghetti

Trying new recipes can be a blast, but last December I made a recipe for 13 of us and the ingredients rang up to $200 at Whole Foods.  Talking about being shell shocked at the register.

There's 9 people living in my house, so on a day to day basis it just doesn't make sense to spend more than I have to while still buying good, quality food.  Yesterday, sensing imminent snow fall, my goal was to buy what I could at Grocery Outlet for a Paleo meal and see what I could save.

Here's a list of ingredients and the cost at Grocery Outlet or Fred Meyer.  See tips at the bottom.

Eggplant Italian Sausage Spaghetti
Grocery Outlet Purchases
1lb Italian Sausage (no preservatives, just pork sausage and italian seasoning) 2.49
Eggplant 1.49
1 White Onions 3lbs for 1.49
1 Green Pepper .59
Fred Meyer Purchases
1 Spaghetti Squash 1.99
1/2 Packaged Mixed Herbs (basil, oregano, italian parsley) 1 package 1.99
Already At Home
Olive Oil
Red Pepper
2Tbsp Tomato Paste
2 cloves Garlic
1 20 oz can Whole Tomatos
2Tbsp balsamic vinegar
Eggplant Italian Sausage Spaghetti
Slice Spaghetti Squash in half lengthwise.  Scoop out seeds.  Sprinkle with salt and peper.  Splash with EVOO.  Throw in 400 degree oven face down on aluminum foil cookie sheet for 40 minutes.
Slice Eggplant.  Place on Cookie sheet.  Salt, Pepper, drizzle with EVOO, and then top off with some thyme.  Throw in oven with Spaghetti Squash.
Brown italian sausage in Large Skillet.  Remove from Pan.  In same pan, sweat sliced onion, sliced bell pepper, and garlic in some EVOO sprinkled with salt, pepper, and cracked red pepper.  When onions look translucent, add tomato paste and continue to cook until tomato paste starts to bubble.  Add balsalmic vinegar to deglaze pan.  Scrape all the goodness off the bottom.  Add whole tomatoes and simmer.  Once the eggplant has been in the oven about 20 minutes, take out and dump into your happy sauce.  Add italian sausage back into your sauce.  Add chopped herbs.  Simmer until desired consistency is reach.
Take spaghetti squash out of oven.  Fork to create strands of spaghetti on plate.  Add Sauce and Voila!!

1.  Shop at the G.O. first.  They do not carry everything that you need.  If you have a list (like I did), chances are you will have to pick up other items elsewhere.
2.  Think ahead of how you will reuse ingredients.  I'm guilty of buying the Basil plant when I go to the store and half of it ends of dying.  This trip I bought the small package of mixed herbs (basil, italian parsley, and oregano.)  This way I'm more likely to use what is left.
3.  Check out the miscellaneous items at the G.O.  I was able to pick up a 1 oz package of prosciutto for .89, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt for 2.50, a DKNY Shirt for 5.00, and (don't laugh) Murdock's Stetson cologne/lotion set for 5.99.
4.  Go and be open to what you're shopping for.  Chances are you can build a meal with what is available.
5.  When shopping for the week, check out the Sunday circulars and plan ahead.  Saving a couple of dollars per pound of meat adds of quickly.
6.  When buying in bulk, Costco is a great place to pick up your Seasonings, EVOO, Veggies, and Meat.'s a $5.00 Grocery Outlet DKNY Shirt!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A new recipe tried...

Part of the Whole 30 fun is trying new recipes and eating really tasty food.  Yesterday I scoured the internet to find a new Paleo recipe to try for my first Whole 30 Dinner.  See the notes below for the results.


All from the Costco Deli:  2 Hardboiled Eggs, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Carrots, 3 slices Salami, drizzled with Olive Oil/Balsalmic

Salad from the Costco Deli with a Chicken Breast w/ Balsamic and EVOO

Salisbury Steak and Orange Carrots

The Salisbury Steak was a modified recipe from Every Day Paleo.  I used Rib Eyes instead of ground beef and added spinach at the end of the gravy recipe instead of mixing it into the beef.  Mushrooms were removed due to a non mushroom eater.  I will say that the sauce needed some more spicing up.  I would have added hot pepper flakes and a shallot or garlic to the sauce.  Overall pretty tasty for a first time try.

The Carrots are an adapted recipe from my Mom.  Steam until tender but not over cooked.    Melt coconut butter or clarified butter in sauce pan with carrots and some grated ginger.  Stir to coat...turn up heat add orange juice and scrape the pan while stirring the carrots to make a nice glaze.

Serve Up!

WOD:  My shoulder is still tweaked, and my legs were tired from Saturday's run.  Overall, not feeling it, but I was happy to get back in the gym.  Scaled the Clean and Jerk to a Power Clean.

Stop the Slop Performance Challenge
400m Run 
40 Squats
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups 
40 Squats 
400m Run

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Preparing for Cleaning It Up

Laura is the queen of prepping ingredients ahead for the week, and reading her blog inspired me to start my prep for the week as well.  I'll be pulling out the containers tonight and lining up my lunch box, but I'm also doing some Friends and Family prep.

I live with my Mom, Brother, and Sister in law.  They are the most supportive non Paleo eaters that I could live with.  Especially my Mom who always makes sure that there is a Paleo option on the nights that I eat with them.  However... there is always ice cream, chocolate, wine, and other Non Paleo goodness lurking in the freezer, closet, and pantry.

On the other hand is the co-workers & friends that have a completely different idea of what is good to eat and what is not.  People look at my mounds of broccoli at lunch and comment all the time at "WOW...that's a lot of broccoli isn't it?"  I won't talk about their french fries or tater tots.  :)  

Staying Paleo at work isn't that hard...I've established that I am "Weird about Food" so I'm no longer offered cake, candy, or pizza.  I do need help in one area over the next 30 days....WINE.  My wine in the evening has become my mellow down beverage and it's going to be tough to part from.  I'm asking my family and friends for support on this one...NO WINE for the next 30 days (with the exception of 1/13 as previously mentioned).

So I'm taking a big...Ommmmmm...and ready to begin....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again....

It's the New Year and time to tighten it up again.  Amanda prompted me to start squawking again as we're beginning a new Stop The Slop Nutrition Challenge next Monday at SRCF.  This is the first Holiday Season in awhile that I actually lost (plus a break from strength) have had a not so positive impact on my strength training.  With the Cretus Ex Duellum coming up in three weeks my goal is to eat quality food, WOD consistently, and stay healthy.

For 30 Days (beginning 1/9) I'll be posting my work outs, what I eat, and recipes as necessary.  Some of you already know my lunch and breakfast are pretty routine and easy to make.  One caveat is 1/13..I have a previously scheduled wine making dinner and will be partaking in the wine making and dinner.  :)

Here's to more strength, health, happiness, a ton of fun in 2012!  

Mom, Kids, and Grandkids
The entire Clan at the Ram for Christmas Eve
My Dad, Brother, Sister, Nephew, Kids, and Me at the Ram last Summer