Sunday, December 19, 2010


Like all, it's been a crazy Holiday Season.  I've been busy shopping, working, getting the house ready for company, and doing a little celebrating as well.  :)  There's my lame excuse for not posting for awhile.

Over the past two weeks, I've been feeling stagnant and slow.  Holiday celebrating caught up with me and I'm feeling the effects.  This weekend I've had one glass of wine, and I have to say that this morning I woke up feeling GOOD!

Friday night, Michelle taught me to kip the Handstand Pushup.  I haven't been so fricking excited with my performance in a LONG time.  If you can knock out 5-10 blue banded HSPU's easily, and have not tried it...DO IT!  With the proper technique it felt easier than the blue band HSPU because there was a little pressure taken off the Shoulders.

1.  Start with head on the floor
2.  Head and hands should be in a tripod position
3.  Bring knees down to chest
4.  Forcibly kick up and push up at the same time

These aren't the greatest pics, but courtesy of my Mom, here ya go.

Hands in Tripod Position

Locked out at the top
Goal Recap
5 consecutive Ring Dips - Still at 3.  
Daily Double Unders practice - Practiced 5 out of 7 days each week.  Definitely getting easier.  Yesterday I was able to string together 5 without singles.
2 days Muscle Up progression practice - 1 day each week.
Wendler Week 3 & 4 - Did not complete.
Heavy Thruster Practice for Max Reps - Did not complete.

This Week and Next Week Goals (only slightly varied)
5 consecutive Ring Dips
Daily Double Unders practice
2 days Muscle Up progression practice
Wendler Week 1 & 2
Heavy Thruster Practice for Max Rep

2 days HSPU practice

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Goals Last Week, Goals This Week, Goals For 2011

Why all the goals?  Goals keep me pushing myself mentally and physically to become the best person that I can be in and out of the gym.  I like to think that it also rubs off on my kids and that they will learn that with a little hard work you can achieve ANYTHING that you put your mind to.

At the finish of the 2010 Seattle Half Marathon

Last week Goal Recap
5 consecutive Ring Dips - got 3
Daily Double Unders practice - Got 6 out of 7 days.  They have drastically improved, but it will be an ongoing goal.  My jump is much quieter, but with the new style I have to jump one single for every double.
2 days Muscle Up progression practice - Check.
Get Well - Check
Wendler Week 2 - Bench Press.  Hectic week, missed deadlifts and back squats

This Week and Next Week Goals
5 consecutive Ring Dips
Daily Double Unders practice
2 days Muscle Up progression practice
Wendler Week 3 & 4
Heavy Thruster Practice for Max Reps

2011 Goals
Increase # of consecutive pull ups to 20
Do a muscle up
Get a sub 7 minute Fran time
Get a sub 40 minute Murph time
Run a marathon
Increase one rep loads in the following:
Front Squat - 160lbs
Clean - 140lbs
Snatch - 120lbs
Deadlift - 280lbs

Friday, December 3, 2010

What? It took Mark and Tom how long???

Happy Birthday to Adriana and Steven!!!  Yesterday's WOD was a Birthday WOD for Adriana and Steven.  Like all good WOD's it looked deceivingly easy.  I went about my day not worrying about it.  Then I put a call into Michelle on the way to the gym and I started to freak out!  Not good news...the WOD was a bear.  Walked into the gym saw Tom and Mark's time and then the butterflies begun.  To add nuttiness to the picture I was able to watch the first wave prior to my attempt...Blccck..

12/2 Recap

2 Rounds, of each couplet consecutively, for time:
36 Calories on the C2 Rower
36 Wall-Balls (20#/14#)
21 Burpees
42 One Arm Kettlebell Swings (53#/35#) - 21 Reps each arm

Time:  16:27
This one did suck.  Lucky for me I had Mark Norah doing Wall Ball next to me so I couldn't stop.  Otherwise you might as well add a couple more minutes.

Tonight was a first for me with 20 consecutive Double Unders.  Loving the RX Jump Rope!

Breakfast - chicken sausage, broccoli, carrots, Americano w/ splash of heavy cream
Lunch - CHEAT MEAL Chorizo Burrito at this amazing little Taqueria on Gilman.
Dinner - Lean beef, grilled onions & peppers, avocado, tomatoes
Dessert - CHEAT 2 pieces of chocolate covered macadmias & one glass of red wine

Why is that for me a cheat early in the day leads to cravings and a cheat later in the evening?  Weird, but it's pretty consistent.  Anyway if you every want some darn good authentic Mexican food you have to check out the little Taqueria on Gilman in the same shopping center as Sherwin Williams.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My shoulders are tired and my lats hurt!

Maybe it's the painting, the pull ups, or the overhead squats, but DANG my upper body is tired and sad.  Yesterday, I missed my double under practice.  Not that practice was scheduled and I ran late.  I just didn't do it.  Tonight...double unders are on deck!

12/1 Recap


Front Squats 3-3-3-3-3

I HATE front squats, simply for the fact that I always end up leaning too far forward and keeping my elbows up and my body upright is a complete challenge.  They're better but they could get improve.

Overhead Squats 1-1-1-1-1

Now I LOVE overhead squats, simply for the fact that they feel good. I have the bar above my head to leverage against to prevent my body from leaning forward.  However, the WOD was running late last night so my last two attempts felt rushed and I missed my last lift.  My ability to focus during a strength WOD could definitely improve. I will make 120 next time.  Infact I feel strong enough for 125...I just missed the jerk off the back.


Breakfast- One chicken sausage, grapes, Americano w/ heavy cream
Lunch- Beef Stew, Avocado
Snack- Americano w/ heavy cream
Dinner - Porkchop, green beans
Snack- Nuts

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RX Jump ropes ROCK!

So I got my RX Jumprope in the mail...Not only is it cute, but it is incredible AWESOME.  Yesterday morning I practiced and could consistently achieve 10-15 double unders with no problem!  Yeah Jump Rope!

Note:  The length is 8'3"

My kipping pull up was also mysteriously smooth and easy last night.  My set was a string of 10 and then it  6 and 4, then 5 and 5.  The 7th through 10th round were broken up due to my beat up hands.  :(  Need to heal these guys then saw them down.

11/30 Recap

10 rounds:  10 box jumps, 10 pull ups
Time:  12:58

100 abmat sits ups
Time:  2:00

15 minutes double under practice


Breakfast- grapes, americano w/ heavy cream
Lunch- Beef stew, Avocado
Snack- Americano w/ heavy cream
Dinner- Meatballs, 1 glass of wine