Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RX Jump ropes ROCK!

So I got my RX Jumprope in the mail...Not only is it cute, but it is incredible AWESOME.  Yesterday morning I practiced and could consistently achieve 10-15 double unders with no problem!  Yeah Jump Rope!

Note:  The length is 8'3"

My kipping pull up was also mysteriously smooth and easy last night.  My set was a string of 10 and then it  6 and 4, then 5 and 5.  The 7th through 10th round were broken up due to my beat up hands.  :(  Need to heal these guys then saw them down.

11/30 Recap

10 rounds:  10 box jumps, 10 pull ups
Time:  12:58

100 abmat sits ups
Time:  2:00

15 minutes double under practice


Breakfast- grapes, americano w/ heavy cream
Lunch- Beef stew, Avocado
Snack- Americano w/ heavy cream
Dinner- Meatballs, 1 glass of wine

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Moe! I just bought a Jump Rope to help me get back on the healthy track. Thank you for sharing this with us!
