Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A new recipe tried...

Part of the Whole 30 fun is trying new recipes and eating really tasty food.  Yesterday I scoured the internet to find a new Paleo recipe to try for my first Whole 30 Dinner.  See the notes below for the results.


All from the Costco Deli:  2 Hardboiled Eggs, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Carrots, 3 slices Salami, drizzled with Olive Oil/Balsalmic

Salad from the Costco Deli with a Chicken Breast w/ Balsamic and EVOO

Salisbury Steak and Orange Carrots

The Salisbury Steak was a modified recipe from Every Day Paleo.  I used Rib Eyes instead of ground beef and added spinach at the end of the gravy recipe instead of mixing it into the beef.  Mushrooms were removed due to a non mushroom eater.  I will say that the sauce needed some more spicing up.  I would have added hot pepper flakes and a shallot or garlic to the sauce.  Overall pretty tasty for a first time try.

The Carrots are an adapted recipe from my Mom.  Steam until tender but not over cooked.    Melt coconut butter or clarified butter in sauce pan with carrots and some grated ginger.  Stir to coat...turn up heat add orange juice and scrape the pan while stirring the carrots to make a nice glaze.

Serve Up!

WOD:  My shoulder is still tweaked, and my legs were tired from Saturday's run.  Overall, not feeling it, but I was happy to get back in the gym.  Scaled the Clean and Jerk to a Power Clean.

Stop the Slop Performance Challenge
400m Run 
40 Squats
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
20 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 AbMat Sit-ups 
40 Squats 
400m Run

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