Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How not to train for a half marathon

I'm excited to say that Laura and I completed the Seattle Half Marathon.  It was a great experience, and I'm looking forward to the next one!  There were however some things that I could have done differently.

My training outside of Crossfit consisted of 5 training runs; a 10k, a 7 mile run, a 8 mile run, a 9 mile run, and a 10 mile run.  I'm pretty happy with little running specific training that I completed the run in 2 hours and 15 minutes.  However, it could have been a 2 hour run for me and less stress on the legs had I trained appropriately.  Mile 12 of the race my knee gave out, and I had to walk to release the tension and then was able to finish with a steady jog. 

Laura and I at the start of the race!

Back to training for Sectionals!

11/29 Recap

12minute AMRAP:  400M run, 5 Deadlifts

This seemed to be a cruel joke after the half marathon, but I chose a light load, 153#, and completed 5 rounds while stretching out my hammies.

Wendler 3-3-12
Bench Press 70lbs, 80lbs, 90lbs

Ring Dips, Muscle Up Progressions, Double Unders

Thanks to Rona I worked on Ring Dips, a set of 3 and a set of 2.  I attempted two musle ups on the rings which was humorous but completed one decent musle up progression.  It was the closest I've felt to doing something that actually resembles a muscle up.  Good stuff.  I got some more double under practice in.  Last night I received my RX Jump Rope and I Love it.  My double unders have regressed to double, single, double, single as I'm using the jump up with straight leg technique.  It seems to be working.  I can consistently achieve 10 Doubles with this method. 


Breakfast- Grapes, Americano w/ heavy cream
Lunch- Beef Stew, Avocado
Dinner- Turkey, Cranberry, Carrots, Broccoli
Snack- Nuts

Friday, November 26, 2010

Breaking the silence...

Sorry guys for the lack of posting.  There's been just a few things going on the past couple of days:  lots of snow, sickness, & philosophical food discussions.  

Let's start with the last one.  Michelle and I were discussing the Whole 30 and the after effects, wanting everything that you had not eaten for 30 days.   In general, my eating habits to begin with are good.  I don't eat pasta, bread, grains, and I consume limited amounts of dairy.  I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and protein.  Occasionally, I may want ice cream or chocolate, but it's not that often.  Last weekend, I made the Paleo Lasagna that I posted and I added mozzarella cheese to it as well.  What's funny is that I felt like I was committing a crime.  The guilt was ridiculous and the obsession of the addition of cheese a little kooky.  At the end of the day it was a sign of why the whole 30 is not sustainable for me long term.  Now I'm still going to post what I eat, because it is important and I do want to improve my eating patterns.  I just want it to be long term and life long.

What's ironic is I went to a fabulous dinner with my Mom last night for Thanksgiving Dinner and I didn't touch the bread or the mashed potatoes.  They were not appealing among the turkey, cranberries, & roasted vegetables.  I did eat the dessert, but the cool thing about going to a restaurant is that you can't go back for another piece.  :O)

Turkey Dinner with Mom

The snow is not so important, but the sickness is bringing me down just a wee bit.  It may keep me from running the half marathon.  I was unable to workout yesterday and I'm down and out today.  I went to the doctor and was given antibiotics, an inhaler, and cough medicine.  So here I am on the couch watching the Blue Planet with Maya.  As much as I feel the need to get up and do something, Rest is mandatory today so here I lay.  

This week I did manage to start Wendler back up.  My cycle includes back squat, deadlift, & bench press.  Double Unders are still an obstacle.  This week my weakness was exposed.  A WOD that took most 25 minutes took me 39 minutes.  Just an example that it warrants a lot of attention.  Based on suggestions in the gym I ordered an RX Jump Rope to practice the double unders and I received some jumping pointers from Tom and Michelle that I'm practicing.

Goals for the upcoming week.
1.  Get Well
2.  Wendler Week #2
3.  Daily Double Under Practice
4.  Muscle Up Practice two days
5.  Ring Dips - 5 consecutive

Monday, November 22, 2010

Whole 30 Day #8

My goal yesterday morning was to reattempt a WOD that I did in April and PR it.  Rounds 1 through 3 were smooth.  Rounds 4 and 5 I was getting one double under at a time.  In addition Maya was standing there asking me a question and I flipped out.  Which brings me to my next goal, learn how to focus and cut out distractions mid WOD.  At the end of the day I added 8 seconds to my old time.  

Dinner was a success though.  I tried a new recipe I found on a blog.  Great dinner.  I added italian sausage to make it meatier, and the kids loved it.  Murdock didn't even notice that the lasagna was missing the pasta.  Here's the link Paleo Lasagna

11/21 WOD and Food

Banana, Americano w/ coconut milk, 3 breakfast sausage links

Steak, salsa, fajita vegetables, guacamole

Paleo Lasagna

5 rounds for time:
40 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps, 20"
20 KB Swings, 35lbs

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whole 30 Day #7

Good Morning Happy Campers!  It's Sunday and I'm feeling a heck of a lot more chipper this morning compared to yesterday morning after my port.  :)

Yesterday my boys and I walked to a local Sandwich Shop, Spicoli's, at the top of the ridge.  The clerks behind the counters were unable to make a sandwich for me without bread.  Bummed, I went across to IGA, bought some meat and an apple and walked back to eat lunch with Gary and Murdock.  It wasn't a big deal, but I thought to myself that the shop could have made an additional $10 sale if they just offered their Sandwiches on a plate sans bun.

Grande Americano w/ Coconut milk
Chicken Sausage, Pineapple

Lunch Meat, Apple, Tall Americano

Scrambled Eggs, Avocado

Nuts (too many, but I was warding off alcohol and sugar)

Christine - PR by 1 minute 23 seconds

Saturday, November 20, 2010

WHOLE 30 Day #6

Last night I experienced the BEST duck dinner of my life.  In the midst of the marvelous duck cooking experience I had a wee bit of Port while prepping the ingredients.  I know, I know....ugh.  However, the food was all Paleo for the day.

My ring dips are getting better.  Got in a few more today before the WOD with some headstand practice.  My goal is to push up into a handstand from a headstand before the end of the year.

11/19 Food & Workout Recap

Americano w/ coconut milk
Chicken Sausage, banana

Chicken Breast, Broccoli, Carrots

Duck, Garlic Asparagus, Tomato, Basil, Avocado Salad, port

Workout Skills-
Backsquat 1 rep max, 155lbs
Double Under practice
800M row

Friday, November 19, 2010

WHOLE 30 Day #5

Eating Paleo during the week is pretty easy for me.  Tonight the weekend starts and as always it's where my food and alcohol demons lie.  On tap for tonight is a healthy Duck dinner which I'm pretty stoked about.  I'm also taking my boss Kathy's suggestion of club soda and lime for a drink substitution.  We shall see...

11/18 Recap


Breakfast -
Americano w/ splash of heavy cream
Two Chicken Sausages
Grilled Onions and Peppers

Lunch -
Chicken & Vegetable Soup

2 Scrambled Eggs, sausage, avocado, pineapple



Clean (full squat) one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.

New PR: 123lbs  I'm pretty stoked!

Checkout WOD:

2 Minutes of Max Rep Double-Unders

My Double Unders were straight up BAD.  Last time I did this I completed 46 in 2 Minutes, this time 41.  Practice, Practice, Practice.  They are on tap for tonight.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

WHOLE 30 Day #4

Yesterday was great!  In the morning I was not too hungry, so I ate just one of the chicken sausages and half of the vegetables.  Lunch wasn't until 1pm because I went to the gym.  The late lunch took care of my afternoon hunger.  It was also my first two workouts a day in about a month.  I missed it and it's damn good to be back!  Good stuff all around!

Here's a pic of dinner.  I'm lucky to live with my Mom.  She had dinner ready when I got home from coaching last night.
Chicken Breast, Orange Ginger Carrots, Broccoli

Lunchtime fun-
1 rep Bench Press Max - 115lbs
Squat Snatch work - approx 30 reps with a 45lb bar.  Practiced emphasis of shrugging the shoulders and getting under the bar.  

10 minutes Handstand Push-ups
5 Minutes Squats
2 Minutes Pull-ups
1 Minute Push-ups

Used a blue band on the HSPU's.  Need to transition to red, then floor.  

Today I'm ready for the some double under fun!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WHOLE 30 Day #3 TIP #1

Tip #1:  Read.  Reading has been pretty amazing for me the past couple of days.  When I have down time, and I find myself idle (which generally leads to wandering around the kitchen) I've picked up a book.

You may enjoy something else like knitting, video games, or surfing the web.  Whatever it is, try it when you find yourself drawn to the kitchen.

Yesterday was pretty easy.  Between 2pm and 3pm I find myself hungry.  Monday I had grapes, and yesterday I went for a walk around the building.  Last night we had a deconstructed Taco Salad without the lettuce.  I mixed lean ground beef with chorizo to add a ton of flavor and served it on top of grilled pepper and onions with a side of avocado and homemade salsa.  The kids loved it.

By dinner I'm generally flying around the kitchen, but I will get better at grabbing dinner photo shots.  Here's another pic of Breakfast and Lunch packed.  I'm taking my left over onions and peppers with Chorizo Chicken Sausage for Breakfast.  Broccoli and Garlic Chicken Sausage with avocado are for lunch.

NOTE:  Last challenge I would add fat to my breakfast.  I've found that between my Fish Oil and Coconut Milk in my coffee I don't need any additional fat.


Swimming was out as my partner cancelled.  I should have gone anyway but decided that it was better to get home earlier to make dinner.


I felt really good about this.  The last time I completed Nancy was at Gravity Janes and I came in above 23 minutes.  Last night was 16:25.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WHOLE 30 Day #2

Good Morning Happy Campers!!  The power is out on the Ridge which left me some extra time to work on my blog this morning while trying to figure out the school situation.

Day one was smooth.  Breakfast and Lunch went as packed with a snack of grapes in the afternoon.  Dinner was a fantastic chicken breast and garlic asparagus.  All in all a perfect and wonderful day of eating.

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes of:

15 Hang Power Cleans(115#/75#)
12 Ring Dips
21 AbMat Sit-ups

I'm happy to say that I finally have some full range ring dips.  The obstacle is that I don't have enough to do them RX in the WOD above.  Still working on them.  Today the plan is swimming and Nancy.

Breakfast and Lunch is packed for today.  Tonight I'm making homemade salsa!

Monday, November 15, 2010

30 Day Challenge Take #2

So judging from my last few postings I think that everyone can see that my eating habits have not been so stellar.  Yesterday afternoon my Mom was baking and my good eating went to hell in a hand basket.  The issue is that this has been a continuous pattern for the past few weeks.  My Mom bakes all the time.  She's a fine baker, but I generally don't eat what she makes.  It just seems that for whatever reason, call it stress or lack of willpower, I've been saying yes more than I've been saying no lately.

The Whole 30 is back.  If you don't know what it is, check out this link.  If you do it, you will feel better and your health will improve.  I want to feel better, I want to be healthy, and I want killer performance in the gym.  White Chocolate Molasses Bars and Wine are not going to get me there.


Breakfast and Lunch ready to go.  
For the next 30 Days you will see posts of my Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner.  Feel free to post your meals and your ideas to implement Lifelong Paleo Eating.

Disclaimer:  My Mom, Gary, my Best friend and I are going out to a restaurant on 11/28.  I will not be eating Paleo for that meal.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

5k, Mud, & Obstacles = a TON OF FUN

The Pineapple Classic was awesome!  Costumes, Mud, Tires, Walls, Long Jumps, Tunnels...what's not to love?  All in all it was a great day!

At the finish...Brenda, Rick, Joel, Me
The last two days have been a lot of fun, but light on the WOD'ing.  Friday was a forced rest day, and yesterday although fun was light on the output.  I finished feeling let's do it again!

Today the plan is Friday make up WOD and a 3 mile run.  In addition, I want to get in some skills work, double unders & ring dips.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Practice Makes PR!

Okay, practice may not make Perfect, but darn it I PR'd Annie by 3 minutes and 3 seconds.  Of course it also helped to have Lucy working out next to me who was killing the double unders.

I also got two full range ring dips tonight.  Life is GOOD!

11/11 Food and Workout


WOD- Annie

10 HSPU with a green band 5 HSPU with a blue band
3 Ring Dips


Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream
Pork Chop, Avocado, Mandarin Orange, Asian Pear

Steak, Broccoli, Squash

Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream

Chicken Breast, Zucchini, Carrots


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Happy Veterans Day to all active duty and retired Military!  Yesterday we did the Lumberjack 20 in honor of the Soldiers that were gunned down in Fort Hood, TX on 11/5/09.

I did not get any skills work in yesterday, but it felt good to go RX on the WOD.  Today I'm feeling pretty good.  Looking forward to getting into the gym and doing Annie tonight.

11/10 Food and Workout


Americano w/ a Splash of Heavy Cream
Pork, Asian Pear, Mandarin Orange


Americano w/ a Splash of Heavy Cream
Nuts, Mandarin Orange

Chicken Breast
2 glasses of Wine


Lumberjack 20

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And the sickness is finally going away!

Finally...I'm starting to get over this cold.  Thank you!  This is going to be a quick post tonight as I'm exhausted.  Over the past two days I've still managed to get some double under practice in.  Due to my cold, my food has been soup based with some popsicles thrown in to heal a sore throat, so not entirely Paleo.

11/8 Food and WOD


7 rounds for time: 10 Wallball, 10 Pull Ups

Skills Work -
Double Unders
Static Dips, Muscle Up Progressions (something new from Crossfit Cashmere, very cool!)


Breakfast -
Americano w/ a splash of heavy cream

Green Curry

Popsicles (don't ask, my throat was killing me)

11/9 Food and WOD


Snatch: 1 a minute for 15 minutes

Check out-  
5 rounds: 4 O/H squats (65#), 20 Double Unders

Skills Work -
Nothing Extra Today.  :(


Breakfast -
Americano w/ a splash of heavy cream
Mandarin Orange, Eggs w/bacon, Nuts

Chicken Pho

Nuts, Apple

Meatballs, Broccoli

Monday, November 8, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect...Right?

So we're watching the competition on Saturday and Mark turns to me and says there's no reason that you can't improve your double unders.  All you have to do is practice them every day.  I had no come back, because ultimately he's right.

Yesterday was the first day of double under practice.  My back was too tight to lift any loads, so I figured it was a good day to start.  My back feels much looser today and I'm thinking the doubles may have helped.

Skills Day
20 minutes of double under practice
Sets of 15, sets of 10, sets of 5 and lots of sets in-between due to snagging
1000M Row
Ring Dip Practice

Food Log

Brunch -
Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream
Fruit, Veggies, Nuts, Olives, BBQ Pork (all courtesy of Evan's Bday party)

Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream

Dinner -
Ribeye Steak, Acorn Squash, Tomato, Avocado, Mozzarella, Basil
2 glasses cabernet

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mt Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman Competition

Yesterday was an incredible experience.  I had a lot of fun and it was fantastic to watch friends display pure AWESOMENESS!  It was great to compete with a such a strong group of women, and I made a few new friends that I'm excited to see at Sectionals.  I also want to say thank you to friends, my Mom, Maya, Murdock, and Garrett for coming out to watch us all compete.  The support is incredible and you have no idea how much it means to have you all there.  Thank you!

Did I make weight?  Uh, No.  I fell in to the 140-160lb weight class.  I'll get into the effects later for each event.  I'm still not a huge fan of scales and the madness behind watching your weight every day or even every week, but next year I will be in the lower weight class.  Not just for the lower loads, but overall my performance and health will be improved by decreasing my body fat.

Event #1: 1 Rep Max Effort Fatbar Deadlift

My lift:  223 lbs

Lifting with a Fatbar is DIFFERENT!  I practiced these one night a week ago.  I made 203#, jumped to 223# and failed.  So, although I was 7th out of 8, I am happy with my 223# lift.

Event #2: 2 Rounds for time - 200M run, 5 stone lifts (135#), 1 rope climb
10 minute time cap

My time:  7:30
Scale:  135 lb stone was RX, I used a 100 lb stone.

Yesterday morning was the first time I've ever lifted a stone, and let me tell you it's fun but challenging.  :)  My first round I struggled with the stones.  By round two I got the hip pop down and the stone lifts went quicker.  This was the event that I was most nervous about, but I felt strong on the rope climbs and was happy to complete it prior to the cut off.  This was definitely the high point of my day.   Finished 7th out of 8.

Event #3: 3 Rounds for time - 7 Fatbar Push Jerks (105#), 21 Double Unders
5 minute time cap

My time:  DNF - 1 complete round, + 5 Push Jerks
Scale:  Did not scale, probably should have

This shocked me.  I practiced 107# in the gym and I felt strong.  What I didn't do was multiple reps or combine the Push Jerks with another movement.  Cleaning the fatbar destroyed me.  Not to mention I threw everything that I had at WOD #2.  What's ironic is that I was so concerned about the Double Unders that I never prepared myself properly for the Push Jerks.  I finished 5th out of 8.

Event #4: 50ft (guess) Farmer's Carry (240#), 50ft Sandbag Carry (100#)
2 minute time cap

My time:  DNF 
Scale:  Did not scale, I should have

Shocked, embarrassed, words can't express how frustrated I felt at the end of this WOD.  I couldn't lift the Farmer's Carry.  For 2 minutes I pulled and pulled to no avail.  Everyone screamed and cheered.  A new friend Chris gave me a hug at the end.  She stood next to me, cheered, and offered me chalk.  I was the only competitor not to finish this WOD.

To sum it up, this was an incredible experience.  I'm coming back stronger next year!

Friday, November 5, 2010

11/5 Update

T.G.I.F.  Missing work and having a sick child really threw a wrench in to this week.  I'm glad to see Friday!  Tomorrow is going to be a blast regardless of my encounter with "the stones".  

11/5 Food and WOD


Chicken Sausage, Mandarin Orange, Apple
Americano w/ splash of heavy cream

Hamburger Patty, Apple

Pumpkin Protein Smoothie (don't ask)

Chicken Stock, Cashew Butter, Mandarin Orange


Skills Work
Double Unders, Medball Cleans, PVC Cleans

11/4 Update

Yesterday was better.  Food intake was under control.  However, due to a hectic evening at home (with no Mom may I add) I had to stay home and sooth the masses, so I missed my WOD.  

The forced rest was a good thing as Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman competition is tomorrow.  I'm not making the lower weight class, but I've come to grips with it.  

After the competition I'll post all the numbers for you all to see.  I'm going to keep blogging my food as this is a trouble area for me and something that needs continued focus.
11/4 Food and WOD


Chicken Sausage, Brussel Sprouts, Zucchini
Americano w/ splash of heavy cream

Pork Chop
Sweet Potatoes

Apple w/ Almond Butter

Hamburger Patty, Avocado, Grilled Onions, Carrots


Nothing - Forced Rest Day

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Food and WOD Update

So let's start with the good news.  The past week has been full of double unders, rope climbs, heavy overheads, and fat bar work.  I love it.  Overall I've been feeling stronger, lighter, and faster. 

Until yesterday that is, and that's where the bad news comes in.  This is so disgusting that it has taken me two days to write up the post due to my embarrassment.  Tuesday I had an all day love affair with my fridge, pantry and freezer.  Last night when I went for my 10 mile run, every step felt like I was trudging through sand.  It was a horrific reminder of what happens when I eat garbage and lots of it.  The positive part of this whole ordeal is that no alcohol was involved.

Cause and effect is easy to analyze, but my real questions are how did it happen, why did I let it happen, and how can I stop it from happening again.  I could give you all of my personal drama, stress, and excuses for the big mis step, but the truth is that my life is pretty damn good.  I have wonderful kids, a good job, a loving family, great friends, and a pretty fantastic SnoRidge Crossfit community that make my life awesome. 

To top it off, food is fuel, not an emotional crutch.  My issue is that food and alcohol are much more than that in my life.  Balance is good, but how do you get there?  As soon as I find the answer, I'll share the wealth.

So here it is:

11/2 Food and WOD


1 chicken sausage, tomato, avocado, basil
Americano w/ splash of heavy cream

1 banana & nuts

Ice cream Sundae

Steak, tomato, avocado, sweet potato

2 Reese Peanut Butter Klondike Bars
5 funsize candy bats


Get Strong Overhead
3 Rounds for Time:
50 Ft. Barbell Overhead Walk (105#)
20 Wall Balls (14#)
15 Box Jumps (24")

Skills Work-
150 Double Unders for Time

11/3 Food and WOD


Americano w/ splash of heavy cream


Chicken Breast
Broccol w/ Balsamic and Olive Oil

Apple w/ Almond Butter

Pork Chop, Zucchini, Brussel Sprouts


10.11 mile run

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

11/1 Food and WOD

It was a good day yesterday.  Got in some good food and some good rope climbing.  Today Double Unders are on deck.


Grapes & Nuts
Americano w/ splash of heavy cream

Pork Goulash

Chicken breasts
Brussel Sprouts


WOD - Jackie
Skills Work - 3 rope climbs

Monday, November 1, 2010

10/30 and 10/31 WOD and Food Update

And the drinking continued through the weekend.  Enough Said.



Breakfast -
Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream

1 1/2 chicken sausage
tomatoes, basil, avocado

beef stew
2 water & vanilla vodka
1 glass of wine


Frankenchipper WOD

10/31 Food 

Breakfast -
Fruit Omelette
Americano w/ Splash of Heavy Cream

Pork Ghoulash w/ broccoli
1 glass of wine
4 fun size snickers bars


1 hour run around Arboretum
"Brenton" WOD