Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 42 & the Marathon is Complete

Yesterday was a monumental event for me that expressed all the changes that I've made in my life through Crossfit over the past three years.  My entire life I've struggled with my weight.  As a child I was overweight and by the time that I was 16 I was 250lbs.  Through my twenties and early thirties I struggled to keep my weight under 200lbs.  A marathon, a half marathon, or even a 10k was never in my thought process.  To me a marathon was something that only skinny people who ran all the time could achieve.  My friends Rob and Laura both reminded me that even last year I said that I could never run a long distance.  

Yesterday, with the support of my friend Laura, I completed 26.2 miles.  Does that make me the ultimate fit human being?  Is 26.2 miles the ultimate goal?  No, but for me personally it was a goal that in my mind I would never achieve in my lifetime.  Now it's time for me to find a new goal and break a new barrier.  Mentally we're all tough enough to achieve what we set our minds to, so crush that self doubt and achieve whatever it is that YOU want to do.

Running to the finish...only .2 to go!

Rock and Roll Marathon Recap
The shoes:  I think that I saved my legs by switching to shoes that provided support for my non existent arches.  My legs today are tight, but I feel nowhere near the pain that I felt after my long training runs for the Half Marathon.  I highly suggest that people with flat feet like myself buy shoes with arch support or at least test it out for yourself.

Crossfit Endurance training:  I believe in it.  Due to a tight quad I did not get in all of the Endurance WOD's that I wanted to however I still made it.  Regardless of the training that you do, getting through the last 7 miles is all mental toughness.  Multiple long runs break your joints and body down.  It's not for me.  My goal is to get my legs healthy and continue the Crossfit Endurance WOD's in addition to my regular Crossfit WOD's.  Swimming, biking, and running interspersed throughout the week will only improve my performance in and out of the box.

The wall:  It sucked.  Mile 19 Laura and I are walking up the Aurora St Bridge and I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up.  At that point I didn't know if I would complete the race.  My legs cramped up and didn't want to move.  The good news is that it only lasted 10 minutes.  At the top of the hill, we grabbed some cytomax and water, and started running again.

Fuel and Food:  The combination of cytomax and gels were a little much for my system.  Next time I'm going to experiment with sweet potatoes to keep me fueled with real food.  The processed crap left me feeling like just that:  crap.

Support:  I am truly blessed with some outstanding quality people in my life.  Without Laura I never would have run this marathon or the two half marathons.  She ignited the idea that maybe just maybe I can run longer than a 10k.  My family supports every thing that I set out to do.  I would be nothing without them.  Rissa, Kathryn, Megan, Sangeeta, and Joel all came down to cheer me on.  That support on a long run is invaluable.  Rissa, Kathryn, & Megan were at the half way point and it renewed my energy and pushed me on.   Sangeeta at the end with our medals was a surprise and it felt like the spirit of the whole box was there.  I loved it.  And finally without the support and community of our Box I wouldn't do any of this.  Crossfit has changed my life... it's the drive and the push from my friends around me that spurs me on to achieve all of my goals and dreams.  Thank you all!  I live a fantastic life!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 36

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, Americano w/ splash o cream
Snack:  Cashews
Lunch:  Broccoli, Cukes, Mushrooms, Beets, Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar
Dinner:  Steak, 1 glass of wine

WOD:  20 minute AMRAP:  5 Thrusters (65lbs), 7 Hang Power Cleans (65lbs), 10 SDHP's (65lbs)
Rounds:  9 rounds, 5 Thrusters

Strength Work:  Shoulder Press 65# - 5, 75# - 5, 80# - 3, 85# - 3, 90# - 1, L pull ups, Kipping pull ups

Day 32 - Day 34 Cheat Meal & Free Pass

Day 34
Breakfast:  Spinach, Mushroom & Avocado Omelette, americano w/ splash o cream
Snack:  Kind Bar
Snack:  1/4 Lara Bar
Dinner (Free Pass):  Chips, Guac, hamburger patty, coleslaw, sweet potatoes, strawberries, whipped cream, wine
ACTIVE REST DAY:  River Rafting

Day 33

Day 32
Breakfast:  2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, blueberries, americano w/ splash o cream
Lunch:  Grilled Chicken and Steak
Dinner:  hamburger patty, coleslaw, green beans, glass of red wine

REST DAY - 3 mile walk with the family

Breakfast:  americano w/ splash o cream, Trader Joe's Trek Mix
Lunch:  Pulled Pork, Coleslaw
Dinner:  (CHEAT) 2 vanilla vodkas w/ diet coke, 1 glass of red wine, chocolate covered mac nuts

WOD: Filthy Fifty
Time:  25:36

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 31

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, blueberries
Lunch:  Pomegrante Protein Smoothie
Snack:  Raw Broccoli
Dinner:  Meatballs, 1 glass of wine

Hang Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2 93lbs, 103lbs, 113lbs, 123lbs x 1, 123lbs x 0 (quad tightened up)
3 rounds for time of: 15 Hang Power Cleans, 95 lbs (subbed 155# Deadlifts) 15 Burpees
Time:  6:13

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 30

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, blueberries, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Snack:  Raw Broccoli
Lunch:  Green Chicken Curry, no rice
Snack:  1/4 cup TJ's Trek Mix (almonds, cranberries, cashews)
Dinner:  Meatballs, Broccoli, glass of red wine

WOD:  Complete as many REPS as possible in 20 minutes of: 400m Run Max Reps Overhead Squats (65#) *score is total number of OH Squats
110 Reps

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 28-29 Rest & Cheat Day

Yesterday was Day 28.  I ate Trader's Joes Organic Trek Mix with Cashews, Almonds, & Cranberries all day.  My cheat meal last night was fantastic, but I feel like crapola today.  I ate 3/4 of a 12" pizza with a side of fries.  There were 1.75 IPA's to wash it all down and a pint of Ben & Jerry's to finish the job.  On top of all the crap it was another rest day due to the Games, so I'm really sucking some major wind today.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 avocado, 1 Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Turkey Breast, Raw Broccoli & Cauliflower, Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar
Dinner:  Fish, Broccolini, Zucchini
Dessert:  Nuts, 1 glass of red wine

WOD:  Regonal Games 11.1  1000M Row, 30 Shoulder Dumbell Press 25#, 1000M Run
Time:  13:36
Note:  Shoulder is still super tight.  Subbed the Dumbbell Press for the HSPU's.

Day 27

Breakfast:  KindBar, Cashews
Lunch: Avocado, Ham Meat, Apple
Dinner: Steak, Mushrooms, Glass of Red Wine

10 rounds for time of:
10 Bench Presses 20 lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings 44 lbs
10 Air Squats
Time: 12:43

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 26

It was day one of the Games.  Watching Mark and the other Athletes get out there and leave nothing on the floor is inspiring and motivating.  After the Marathon on June 25th, Wendler is back on tap.

Food was not so great today as I was on the go and just grabbed what was quick.  I came home exhausted and hungry.  Ate too much and crashed hard.

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, grape tomatoes, cukes, Americano w/ splash of heavy cream
Lunch:  Protein Shake, Cashews
Snack:  American w/ splash o cream
Dinner:  Chorizo, Eggs, Avocado, glass of wine, nuts, banana

WOD:  Rest Day.  Played chase in the bleachers with the kiddos.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 25

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 1/2 avocado, grape tomatoes, cukes, Americano w/ splash of heavy cream
Lunch:  Orange Beef, Nuts
Dinner:  Hamburger Patty, broccoli
Dessert:  banana, nuts, glass of red wine

800 m Run
10 Clean & Jerks (95 lbs)
400 m Run (backwards)
10 Clean & Jerks
800 m Run
10 Clean & Jerks
400 m Run (backwards)
Time:  17:18

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 24

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 3 pcs bacon, grape tomatoes, cukes, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream Lunch:  Spicy Garlic Chicken, Nuts
Dinner:  Steak, mushrooms, garlic asparagus, glass of red wine

WOD:  15 Deadlifts 155 lbs, 5 12 ft Rope Climbs, 12 Deadlifts, 4 Rope Climbs, 9 Deadlifts, 3 Rope Climbs, 6 Deadlifts, 2 Rope Climbs, 3 Deadlifts, 1 Rope Climb
TIME:  13:41

Grip Sucked.  Need to work on Foot Hold with Rope Climbs.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 23

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 3 piecs of bacon (subbed for my 1/2 avocado), cukes, grape tomatoes, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Strawberry Protein Smoothie
Snack:  Broccoli, Cukes, Hardboiled Egg, Beets w/ Balsamic & Olive Oil
Dinner:  Chicken, Zucchini, Mashed Cauliflower, 1 glass of red wine

WOD:  3 rounds:  21 Burpees, 21 Kettlebell Swings 44#, 12 Pull Ups
Time:  11:13

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 22

Breakfast:  2 eggs, grape tomatoes, 3 pieces bacon, americano w/ splash o heavy cream. No Avocado, subbed bacon
Lunch:  Berry Whey Protein Smoothie
Snack:  Cashews
Dinner:  Pork Chop, Carrots, Broccoli
Dessert:  Nuts, glass of wine

WOD:  20 minute AMRAP 5 medball cleans 16#, 10 pistols (ball w/ 35# plate), 15 double unders
Rounds:  13 + 5 Pistols

3 Mile Run on Lunch

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 21

Breakfast:  Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Lettuce wrapped jalapeno burger, 2 slices canteloupe
Snack:  Cashews, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Dinner:  Salmon, beet salad, grilled asparagus
Dessert:  glass of red wine, nuts, banana

WOD:  Rest Day

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 20

Today was my cheat meal.  I can honestly say this week's cheat meal was wasted on disgusting food.  My stomach was not happy.  I waited too long to eat and Finnaghty's was my only option open on the Ridge.  Irish Nachos are not for me.

Breakfast:  Americano w/ splash o heavy cream, Kind Bar
Lunch:  Deli Ham, Apple, 3/4 Avocado
Dinner:  2 glasses wine, 1.5 margaritas, Irish Nachos.

WOD:  Skills Challenge

SnoRidge CF: Advanced RX Skills Challenge - Post Result

Go / No Go or Pass / Fail (Record reps completed): 5 Front Squats 155/105 lbs 5 Overhead Squats 95/65 lbs 5 Deadlifts 225/155 lbs 5 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 lbs 3 Thrusters 135/95 lbs 15 10ft Wall Balls 20/14 lbs 5 Squat Cleans 135/95 lbs 5 Push Jerks 135/95 lbs 3 Squat Snatches 135/95 lbs 5 Presses 95/65 lbs 5 Push Presses 135/95 lbs 5 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65 lbs 3 Pull-up - Chest To Bar (2 women) 5 Ring Push-ups 10 Kipping pull-ups 5 Pull-ups - Strict 2 Rope Climb 15'/12' 3 L Pull-ups (2 women) 3 Muscle-ups (2 women) 25 Push-ups 5 Slapping Push-ups (3 women) 10 Bar Dips (5 women) 5 Ring Dips (3 women) 5 Handstand Push-ups Strict (3 women w/ 1 AbMat) 10 Burpees 10 GHD Sit-ups 10 Ring Knees-to-Elbows 10 Box Jump (Rebounding) 24"/20" 3 Pistol - right legs 3 Pistol - left legs 10 Double Unders

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 19

Yesterday was a whirlwind.  There was a lot to get done and I really just wanted to be outside.

Breakfast:  Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Cherries, apple, carne asada, 1/4 avocado
Dinner:  Filet Mignon, mushrooms, garlic asparagus, glass of wine

WOD:  5 (4.92) mile run
Time:  45:00

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 18

Last night was a struggle.  There was a carton of mint cookie ice cream in the freezer and if it wasn't for this challenge I would have devoured it.  Nuts and a glass of wine had to suffice instead.

Felt really tight when I woke up this morning.  Today will be a rest day.  Painting is on tap for tonight.

Breakfast:  2 eggs, grape tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  baked cod with mango salsa
Snack:  americano w/ splash o heavy cream, cashews
Dinner:  Chicken Phad Thai w/ Spaghetti Squash, 1 glass of red wine


Day 17

This morning I'm feeling wrecked.

Breakfast:  2 eggs, cukes, grape tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Garlic chicken & eggplant
Dinner: Pork chop, spinach, green beans, nuts, glass of wine

WOD:  10 rounds for time, 3 Deadlifts 185#, 6 clapping push ups, 9 toes 2 bar
TIME:  15:26

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 16

Felt tight through my chest yesterday and I'm still feeling it today.  Hoping that this afternoon's clapping push ups will help loosen everything up.

Breakfast:  2 eggs, 3 pieces bacon, grape tomatoes, Americano w/ splash o heavy cream
Lunch:  Shredded beef and watermelon
Dinner:  meatballs and tomatoes and cukes with Balsamic & EVOO
Dessert:  nuts, banana, glass of wine

WOD:  Max effort Snatch 83#, Snatching Annie 50 Double Unders 5 Squat Snatches 40 Double Unders 4 Squat Snatches 30 Double Unders 3 Squat Snatches 20 Double Unders 2 Squat Snatches 10 Double Unders 1 Squat Snatch Post load used and total time.
9:23, 73#