Thursday, October 28, 2010

T minus 9 days

Till Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man & Woman competition.  What do I still have left to do?

1.  Get down to the 121-139lb weight class.
2.  Practice Rope Climbs, Double Unders, Fat Bar Deadlifts, Fat Bar Clean & Jerks

Since my obsession with Crossfit began, I have been less and less concerned with my weight and more concerned with performance and feeling lean, strong, and just plain healthy.  While this is a good thing, it does leave room for error and fat on my hips.  :)  This competition has really forced me to look at my food consumption and my weight.

The whole 30 was a great way to refocus on eating good food, and in general this was not a huge adjustment for me (okay people we all know about my alcohol consumption).  The whole 30 does not address portion control and for me this can be an issue and a big adjustment.  I feel like I'm rambling, but the point here is the reason this weight class is a challenge is that my portions on a daily basis are larger than necessary.

What to do?

Weight:  As of last Monday I cut my food intake in half.  Instead of two chicken sausages for breakfast, I had one.  Instead of fruit, I had vegetables with my meals.  I replaced nuts with olive oil and avocado to avoid over nut consumption.  Each day for the next nine days, I'll post my meals, just so you can follow the progress.  If my performance is affected, I will increase the food intake.  I don't encourage starving and I refuse to lose weight at the risk of my health.

Practice:  Over the next nine days, I'll be getting in to the gym and practicing Rope Climbs, Deadlifts, Clean & Jerks, and Double Unders.

Follow Up:  Each Day I'll post my food intake and Gym Activities.  And of course I'll let you know if I make the weight class come 11/6.

Let the bodies hit the floor!

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