Friday, October 15, 2010

REST - and when to take it

Happy Friday to you all!  I love Fridays.  They are filled with magic, glitter, fairies, unicorns, and butterflies.  This Friday (and yesterday) are extra special because I'm RESTING.

Two days in a row?  What!  You can't be serious!  On to the questions:  REST - Why? When? How long?

Why?  Every now and the we push our bodies to the point where it needs to rest, repair, and recover.

When?  It's personal.  For me it's time when every muscle aches, and I dread the thought of going into the gym.  It hit me yesterday.  After 25 days of no physical rest I woke up and my hamstrings, back, shoulders, and neck were sore.  20 minutes  of rolling my butt, hamstrings, and shoulders on the ball felt better, but I still ached all over.  Mentally I'm drained, so guess what's time.

How Long?  Again, this is personal.  For me I'm taking TWO whole days.  Now tomorrow we are doing Grace to raise money for Breast Cancer, so that prompted the additional day.   Two days of rest will do wonders for my body and I'll come back stronger next week.

Leave your comments of your rest/recovery routine.  Do you have one?


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