Thursday, October 7, 2010

30 Day Done...on to the next one

The 30 Day Challenge is done and I'm wearing white sweat pants this morning.  I must be feeling good!
So, what's next?  And better yet, what did I learn?  And how do I feel?

After 30 days of eating real food 3 times a day and after every workout, I feel mentally clear, physically stronger, leaner and just overall better.

Here are some stats:

  • Lost 6 lbs 
  • Took 5 minutes off of the 10 rounds of 10 burpees and 10 pull ups WOD
  • Increased my one rep Front Squat
  • PR'd my 10k by 5 minutes
  • PR'd Grace by 1 minute
What did I learn?  Obviously what we put in our body affects everything.  Eating real food is something that I want to continue.  Drinking less is important as well.  Weekend nights were filled with too much wine.

What's next?  As Laura put it, the 30 days turns into 60, then 90, then 120....This is now a way of life with the occasional glass of wine, not the weekend binge.

On deck is Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman Competition and the Seattle half marathon.  So what do I have to do to train?  I need to improve my Double Unders and Rope Climbs for Rainier's Competition and run a lot more miles for the half marathon.  I would like to be in a lower weight class for the Strong Man Competition and need to loose 5 lbs in exactly 30 days.

So pick a goal for yourself....what's next for you?

Here I am on the left with my arms spread out like chicken wings...Need to improve those Doubles!!


  1. Awesome Moe! Congrats on 30 days!

    On to the Strongman competition! One thing that helped me with double unders was doing them pretty much daily. I would always warm up with them. Occasionally I would do 150 double unders for time after WODs. Just keep doing them, and RELAX.

  2. Chicken Wings! I love it. Great job on all the PR's and just improving your general awesomeness overall.
