Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week 5 Already

So, now I'm starting to get discouraged.  It's probably just a figment of my imagination, but it feels like my strength is rapidly disappearing and I'm becoming soft.  Thursday night I helped one of the teens in my class lift a 45# plate and a sharp pain went immediately to my low back.  I had two visits with the chiropractor this week and he's recommending that I go back to absolutely no weights as my back is still incredibly tight.  Rowing and Hiking are out as well.  WTF?

Hmmm...I could wallow in my beer and eat a pint of ice cream or I can pull up my big girl panties and hit reboot.  Since I ate my ice cream Thursday night, it's time for the big girl panties.  Plan for this next week:  Swim, Hot Yoga & lots and lots of bodyweight work.



4 Rounds:  12 leg press (180#), 8 (L/R) Knee Up Box, 15 TRX Ball Ups
4 Rounds:  12 leg extensions, 50M  Partner Push, 8 (L/R) one leg squats
4 Rounds:  15 Calf Raises, 12 (L/R)  Crab Walks with Bands
3 Rounds:  8 (L/R) leg press (30#), 8 24" Box Jumps  

20 minutes swimming

60 minutes hot power yoga

3 mile walk

20 minutes swimming
60 minutes hot power yoga

3 mile walk
20 Minutes Swimming

60 Minutes Power Hot Yoga

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