Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Looks like I need more than just one more week.

I'm still struggling with my back.  There continues to be a dull tightness in my low back.  I'm rolling my legs and back for 20 minutes minimum 5x per week.  If things are the same next week, my hibernation will be extended.

Good news is that with all of the rolling that I've been doing, I've had a pistol PR.  I did 30 pistols on both legs down to a butt ball with no additional bumper plates.  Progress is slow but it's coming. 

In addition, I had a PR on my 2RM bench press.  These gains are keeping me sane through this process.

5k Row 22:53

1k Row
Rolling for 30 minutes
1 hour speed walking w/ 2 sets of 20 push ups

10 reps each @ 20lbs, 25lbs, 30lbs, & 30lbs:
DB Rows L then R
10 reps @ 45lbs, 65lbs, 45lbs, 45lbs:
BB Rows
6 Rounds:  5 Dips, 10 Back Ext
3 Rounds:  2 dead hang Pull ups, 5 T2B's
Rolling for 30 minutes

12 minute AMRAP:  1 rope climb, 5 ball ups
7 Rounds
Rolling for 20 minutes

Walk 3 miles

500M Row
Bench Press
65lbs x 10, 85lbs x 10, 95lbs x 8, 105lbs x 5, 115lbs x 3, 120lbs x 1, 125lbs x 1
Lat Pull Downs
75lbs x 10, 90lbs x 10, 105lbs x 6, 105lbs x 6, 105lbs x 6
3 Rounds:  10 pistols (butt ball, no plate), 5 dead hang pull ups
Rolling for 20 minutes
Swim 20 minutes

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Week Down

One Week Down, 3 more to go.

12 Minute AMRAP:
5 Supine Toes 2 Bar
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
9 Rounds + 2 Push Ups

20 minutes swimming

Hike Rattlesnake Ledge
10 ball ups, 20 minutes HSPU practice, 1 per minute

Power yoga
Hike Discovery Park

WOD:  10 supine climbs, 50 abmat sit ups, 8 supine climbs, 40 abmat situps, 6 supine climbs, 30 abmat situps, 4 supine climbs, 20 abmat situps, 2 supine climbs, 10 abmat situps. (12:37)
Ring Dips EMOM:  5+4

20 minutes swimming
Bench press:  10@65lbs, 8@85lbs, 5@95lbs, 5@105lbs, 5@110lbs, 3@115lbs, 1@120lbs, 2@125lbs
10 ring rows, 10 pistols, 10 ring rows, 10 pistols, 5 dead hangs, 10 pistols, 10 dead hangs, 10 pistols, 5 dead hangs, 10 pistols


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Injuries SUCK! Maybe it's time to learn something.

Yes, they really do.

For the past 18 months I've focused on running long distances which as an obese person for most of my life was something that I never thought I could do.   I'm proud to say that I've run 3 marathons and 8 half marathons.

What did I gain?  A lot of mental strength to push through some pretty nasty painful moments...heeheehee...  Seriously, running has a similar camaraderie to Crossfit.  There's a bond among the runners huddled together in 45 degree temperatures at the start of a race at 6:30am in the hills of Leavenworth.  Laura was my partner for my first Marathon and half Marathon, and Joel ran miles with me week after week and in countless races over the past year.  When the pain is done, you look at one another and there's an instant bond of pride and accomplishment.

What did I lose?  My body is not designed for running long distances.  My muscles are tighter than hell, and my low back is say "F You!!!".  While running, I kept Crossfitting, pushing load and pushing distance even when I could hear my body saying, STOP IT!!!  Did I listen?  No.

Officially, I'm checking my ego.  As of last Thursday, I'm putting down the loads, not running, and avoiding all ballistic movements for 4 weeks.  If I don't feel better, then it may be longer.

I'll be using this blog to post all of my WOD's and to keep me honest, because my EGO gets in the way ALL of the time.

Thursday 8/30
Swimming 20 minutes
12minute AMRAP 100M Row, 7 bench press (9 rounds)

Friday 8/31
Hike Rattlesnake Ledge

Saturday 9/1
Hike Paradise

Sunday 9/2
Not for time
Row 1000M
6 rounds - 5 Static Dips, 10 GHD's
4 rounds - 10 Squats on the Bosu Ball, 10 Ring Rows
40 O/H 12lb Ball Partner Sit Ups

Monday 9/3
Power Yoga

Tuesday 9/4
10 rounds - 200M Row, 10 Pull ups  (25:19)