Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Recap

All in all it was a successful week!  I had one fantastic cheat meal Saturday night, and I was three reps under my goal for the CF Open WOD 12.1.

Keeping meals Paleo was easier as I ate home for dinner all week except Saturday night.  Late night was most difficult as I generally wind down with a book and a glass or two of red wine.  This week, I kept a cup of nuts next to my bed and munched on those while I read.  It worked, I feel leaner and my mind is clear.

Food wise I have to share this recipe that my Mom made tonight.  She added additional veggies which was AWESOME!  Paleo Shrimp Curry Recipe

This week my workouts were challenged by sickness and a strained neck.  The recap is below by day.  The highlight is that there was not one day that I felt that 2pm - 3pm sleepiness as I got 7-8 hours of sleep each night and my diet was on track.

Tuesday - Went into WOD before the kids class and PR'd my O/H Squat with 130lbs.  Strained my neck on the checkout and now I'm sitting funny.

Wednesday -  Missed the WOD due to my strained neck, but did some work at 24 hour on my lunch.  1000M row, bench press, back squats, lunges, side to side band mobility.

Thursday - Took the day off, neck was still strained....waiting for the happiness that was 12.1

Friday - Feeling better, but my neck is still stiff.  Went for a massage at noon.  After work swam 20 minutes (free, fly, breast), steamroom, 1 hour rest, WOD 12.1

Saturday - NO WOD.  Went to the dealership for an oil change and ended up staying to get a brake job and then a set of tires.  The day was hosed.  :(

Sunday - Ran 6 miles.  Played Flag Football.

Plan for the Week
Monday - WOD
Tuesday - WOD, Strength Training
Wednesday - Swim
Thursday - Rest, Oly Skills
Friday - WOD
Saturday - WOD (not sure if we WOD at the CF Kids Cert)
Sunday - Run

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's an Evolution Folks...

The holidays were Awesome.  I came out feeling light and good.  January came, there was the 30 day challenge, and I didn't last a week.

Ups and Downs are natural, but there comes a time when a decline in my mental and physical health occurs and that's just not acceptable.   Right now I'm sick, feeling more fat than fit, muscles are aching, and it's apparent that positive change needs to happen.

What's my long term goals?  Longevity, Happiness, Health and Mobility without prescription drugs...I want to carry my groceries and clean my house when I'm 80.  I want to go hiking with my Grandkids.  I want to be one of those Crazy Grandmas in the Masters Category of 70 - 80 year olds.

What are my short term goals?  Look Good Naked (Ha!) least Look Better Naked... :)  Move faster and Lift heavier than I did today.   It's important to me to be energetic in the afternoons, have the ability to coach, WOD, hike, try new sports, run, play with the kids, and paint if I'm so inclined.  It's important to have a positive mental outlook... to realize how lucky I am to move the way that I do and to be thankful that I'm surrounded by wonderful people.  And patience...patience mostly for my children who don't deserve my wrath because I'm tired and think that I've had a sucky day.

Events this Year?  Crossfit Open, Rock N Roll Marathon, Chelan Olympic Triathlon, Bellingham Half Marathon, Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman Competition

Plan?  Consistency & NO long distance training runs

Movement?  WOD 4-5 days per week.  Swim, Run, Bike, Yoga on my off days.  Mobilize even for 5 minutes after every WOD and Run.  Keep an emphasis on strength and skill training with proper form.  Start off with a weekly plan of attack and execute.

Food?  Paleo 90% of the time.  This stuck with me from Todd's Nutrition talk.  I'm not setting myself up for failure.  Cheat meals work for me and keep it sustainable long term.  Out of 10 meals, 1 can be a cheat.  90% equates to approximately 2 cheat meals a week.

Because I do not measure, intermittent fasting seems to work for me.  Generally on weekends, if I'm on a roll and running around town I may forgo Breakfast and/or Lunch.  Sometimes during the week, I may do the same for Dinner.  This doesn't work for everyone however my body seems to appreciate some downtime on the food intake.  Robb Wolf has some great info on Intermittent Fasting.  You can search his site for Paleo and IF info.

Supplements?  Fish Oil and Vitamin D

Fish Oil plays a role in brain health, heart health, protection against cancer, Alzheimer’s and depression, improvement of skin conditions like psoriasis and acne, fetal brain development, inflammatory bowel disorders, and arthritis, to name a few - Whole 9.   I've been slacking on the Fish Oil...Tonight I'm buying a new bottle from T&M.  

Vitamin D increases Bone Health, helps decrease the chance of Infections, and appears to have a protective effect against MS and Neurodegenerative diseases.  For more info check out:  Vitamin D wiki

Sleep?  7 - 8 hours per night

This week's plan
Tuesday - WOD
Wednesday - Strength Work, WOD
Thursday - Dip Work, WOD
Friday - Swimming
Saturday - Oly Skills, WOD @ home or 24HR
Sunday - Run